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Can Retirees Live in Military Housing?

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You may be thinking about living in military housing if you’ve retired from the armed forces and that option is fortunately open to you. But finding a place that’s suitable for both you and your family may be a bit more challenging than visiting the base’s housing office and signing up.

Some military bases don’t offer housing to retirees. You’ll have to go through proper channels to be considered for tenancy in those that do. Here’s an overview of military housing requirements, along with several other options if you’re a retiree, just in case your plans for living on base don’t pan out.

Key Takeaways

  • Veterans who are looking to retire to military housing have some affordable options at their disposal that aren’t available to other citizens.
  • Military-only retirement communities or other living centers that cater to military families are options.
  • On-base housing may be an option where it’s available.
  • Better or worse options may be available in terms of location, size, and overall quality of housing depending on your rank at retirement.

An Overview of Military Housing

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) prefers to use private-sector housing. Service members who exercise this option receive a housing allowance to cover the cost. You must meet these criteria to be eligible for military family housing:

  • You must have at least one military family member living in your household.
  • You must live in barracks with a roommate if you’re single.

But what about retirees who don’t have a currently serving military family member living with them?

Military Housing Options for Retirees

Several options will allow retirees to reside among their comrades although some aren’t technically military housing units.

Military Bases

Corvias Military Living is a property-management firm that works alongside the Army to provide an improved housing experience. It allows retired members of the military to apply for housing on Army and Air Force bases.

Applications can be completed online but you’ll have to select the desired property from a comprehensive list to move forward.

Among the bases listed are Fort Liberty (NC), Fort Meade (MD), and Fort Riley (KS).

Military-Only Retirement Communities

A military-only retirement community may be a viable option if you’re unable to find a property on base. There are several properties around the nation to choose from:

  • Indian River Colony Club (Melbourne, FL) is open to former commissioned officers and warrant officers of the uniformed services.
  • Knollwood Military Retirement Community (Washington, D.C.) is open to retired officers on military or government payroll, children, siblings, parents, and parents-in-law. There’s no minimum age requirement for family members.
  • The Army Residence Community (San Antonio, TX) is open to retired career military officers who’ve served at least 20 years in the military and 10 or more as a commissioned or warrant officer and their spouses. Widows and widowers are also welcome.
  • Vinson Hall Retirement Community (McLean, VA) is open to commissioned military officers and their immediate family members.
  • Falcon’s Landing (Potomac Falls, VA) is open to retired and honorably discharged officers, spouses, and surviving spouses.

Retiree Living Communities

Several retiree living communities are open to the public but they house significant numbers of military retirees because of their location:

  • Blue Skies of Texas (two locations in San Antonio, TX) caters to officers of the armed forces, spouses, and widows, but non-military retirees are also welcome.
  • Patriots Landing (DuPont, WA) is located close to McChord Air Force Base

What Is the Private Sector?

The private sector is any part of the economy that isn’t owned and/or operated by the government. This includes state and local governments. Private sector housing would be any that’s owned and operated by an independent business or individual.

What Are the Qualifications for the Armed Forces Retirement Home?

The Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) was created in 1811 to provide for disabled and retired servicemembers. You must be capable of caring for yourself at the time you’re admitted, although the AFRH does provide supportive care. You must have health insurance and there are military qualifications as well.

Admittance depends on approval by two AFRH review boards. You don’t only get housing if you’re approved. The AFRH provides recreation, rehabilitative therapy, three meals a day, transportation, entertainment, and much more.

How Can I Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs?

The Department provides numerous contact options on the VA website. You can call 800-698-2411 any time of the day or night, seven days a week. You can also submit questions online or contact your local VA facility.

The Bottom Line

There may be on-base housing options available to you if you’re a retiree looking to remain in touch with your military roots. But there are several appealing other options if you’d rather make your next home an apartment or single-family home in a retiree living community, especially if you were an officer. There’s also the Armed Forces Retirement Home if you meet the qualifications.

Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for additional assistance if you need help with your search.

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