Home Mutual Funds Can Cannabis Tourism Save California's Cannabis Industry?

Can Cannabis Tourism Save California's Cannabis Industry?

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Episode 179 of the Investopedia Express with Caleb Silver (March 18, 2024)

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Alice Morgan / Investopedia

‘ title=”The Investopedia Express March 18, 2024″>

Alice Morgan / Investopedia

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Cannabis sales and prices are falling apart in the Golden State as overproduction and a glut of dispensaries have far outpaced demand. Can cannabis tourism rescue the industry, or will the stigma of the Schedule 1 controlled substance linger over a state that has been built on family fun destinations like Disneyland and Universal Studios? From the Visit California Outlook Forum in Palm Springs, a panel conversation with Peter Gamez, the president and CEO of Visit Oakland, Wendy Haase-Roberts, the president and CEO of Travel Santa Ana, and Brian Applegarth of Destination Cannabis. Plus, sector rotation is under way in the stock market as energy stocks take the lead and tech stalls. Is this a sign of lower lows for the market, or just a reset and a wink back at the year 1995?

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