Home Business ‘Lack of Further Progress’ on Inflation Keeps Interest Rates High

‘Lack of Further Progress’ on Inflation Keeps Interest Rates High

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‘Lack of Further Progress’ on Inflation Keeps Interest Rates High

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‘Lack of Further Progress’ on Inflation Keeps Interest Rates High

Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, said that the central bank needed “greater confidence” that inflation was coming down before it decided to cut interest rates, which are at a two-decade high.

Today, the F.O.M.C. decided to leave our policy interest rate unchanged and to continue to reduce our securities holdings, though, at a slower pace. Our restrictive stance of monetary policy has been putting downward pressure on economic activity and inflation, and the risks to achieving our employment and inflation goals have moved toward better balance over the past year. However, in recent months, inflation has shown a lack of further progress toward our 2 percent objective, and we remain highly attentive to inflation risks. We’ve stated that we do not expect that it will be appropriate to reduce the target range for the federal funds rate until we have gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent. So far this year, the data have not given us that greater confidence. In particular, and as I noted earlier, readings on inflation have come in above expectations. It is likely that gaining such greater confidence will take longer than previously expected.

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