Home News Investors' Great Expectations Meet the Realities of the Second Half of 2024

Investors' Great Expectations Meet the Realities of the Second Half of 2024

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Episode 196 of the Investopedia Express podcast with Caleb Silver (July 15, 2024)

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Buoyed by more record highs, investors have been reinvigorated by the prospect of interest rate cuts in September as inflation slows. But, as SoFi's Liz Young Thomas explains, interest rate cuts into a slowing economy are not always followed by great returns. Liz rejoins The Express to share her outlook for the second half of the year, and how to invest now to take advantage of sector rotation and economic headwinds. Plus, Wall Street strategists continue to raise their year-end price targets for the S&P 500 as earnings strengthen and market breadth finally opens up.

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