Home News How the Pros Are Constructing Portfolios for the Future

How the Pros Are Constructing Portfolios for the Future

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Episode 188 of the Investopedia Express with Caleb Silver (May 20, 2024)

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‘ title=”Three people working in a farmland “>

Alice Morgan / Investopedia

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From WealthStack at Inside ETFs, a conversation on building portfolios for the future that are built to withstand inflation, and geopolitical uncertainty and volatility, with David Blanchett from PGIM, Jonathan Shelton from KraneShares and Michael Meehan from Nuveen. From farmland investing to China and Carbon Capture, professional investors are leaning into alternatives in ways that were hard to imagine just a few years ago. Plus, why last week's meme stock mania does not have the legs of the one we lived through in 2021. And, why now is such a special time to be a shareholder.

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