Home Markets Hannity: New Gallup surveys spell a lot more trouble for Joe Biden

Hannity: New Gallup surveys spell a lot more trouble for Joe Biden

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Hannity: New Gallup surveys spell a lot more trouble for Joe Biden

Fox News host Sean Hannity showcases President Biden’s struggle with key demographics that helped elect him in 2020 on “Hannity.”

SEAN HANNITY: Now, last night was the Nevada primary. Remember, Trump was not on the ballot. He’s participating in the caucus tomorrow. That is the voting that actually counts for RNC delegates. Not exactly sure what Nikki Haley’s team was thinking, but they opted to participate in Nevada’s primary despite no delegates being at stake. And she’s not participating in the caucus. It was either one or the other. This is where things got a little bit weird. In Nevada’s primary, well, voters are allowed to choose “none of these candidates” on the ballot. That option yesterday ended up beating Nikki Haley by over 30 points. Now, Nikki Haley’s home state of South Carolina is up next. Now, the question has got to be asked. After a third-place finish in Iowa in the caucuses there, a double-digit loss in New Hampshire, last night’s numbers, you know, the question is, if Nikki Haley doesn’t win her home state, what is her path for the nomination? We’ll ask her in a soon-to-come interview.


All right. According to the Real Clear Politics average, as of now, she is losing to former President Donald Trump by more than 30 points in her home state of South Carolina. And speaking of polls, we have brand-new Gallup surveys. They spell a lot more trouble for Joe Biden, as Democrats now are struggling with very key demographics that helped elect him in 2020. Look at the surveys conducted during the entirety of 2023. Democrats’ advantage among non-Hispanic Black voters is down to its lowest level since 1999, while the margin with Hispanic voters is now at its lowest level since 2011, down to just 12 points. But it’s not just minority voters that Democrats are struggling with. 

They’re also losing ground with young voters, according to the Gallup poll. Their advantage with 18 to 29-year-old voters is now just eight points. That’s the lowest level since 2005. And while the Democrats and Biden are struggling in the polls as a whole, perhaps no one has suffered a bigger polling crisis than your giggling vice president. That’s right, Vice President Harris. 


Well, according to a new NBC survey, [she] now has a favorability rating of only 28%, compared to 53% who have a negative view of her. And as Democrats continue sliding in these polls, the Supreme Court, they are poised to hear arguments over the left’s attempt to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado tomorrow.

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